Best types of leather for bags

Leather for bags

When buying or making a bag, we must observe the material well and choose its quality. Since, on this depends the durability and support that will allow us to enjoy the article that we acquire for our satisfaction.

Both women and men want more comfort when going out and taking our objects to the street in our day to day, practicality is something we look for every day. For this reason, choosing a good bag will make our day better and without worries about where to carry our things.

One of the main factors, apart from considering the type of bag, its size and use. It is the material of this, since its quality will depend a lot on said factor. It is good to choose between the different types of leather for bags and observe the originality of these.

Now, before covering the types of leather for bags, we must know more about what we mean when we talk about leather.

What is leather?

We know as leather the skin of certain animals, this after being treated by a process called “tanning”, is used as raw material to make certain objects.

What types of skins for bags exist?

To know how to choose the ideal bag for us, we must know what types of leather exist and where each of them comes from.

  • Bovine or beef

It is the most used type of leather for the manufacture of bags. It is mainly used in creative works since it is of very good quality and versatile, so handling it allows for very good finishes.

  • Goats

Among the different leathers for bags, goatskin is usually one of the finest, which is why it is used for high-priced products. It is characterized by being compact and very flexible, which makes it quite resistant.

  • Sheep

This type of skin is usually used for the manufacture of bags, wool can also be produced through them.

  • Calf

Although this type of skin is quite similar to that of cattle. They have the difference that the grain with which they feed is usually finer, therefore, the structure of their skin is usually finer in comparison.

  • Pigs

Pig leather tends to be porous, but it is also characterized by being strong and soft, after carrying out its industrialization process, it has good resistance and is durable as it is quite rigid.

Since we have seen the types of leather for bags that can be used, we can know how to identify them through the senses of touch and smell, also observing their finishes and thus select the ideal bag for us.

Now, to maintain the care of our leather or leather bag, we must know the tips so that it always looks like new!

  • Hydrate: it is important to moisturize leather and there are many conditioners on the market that allow us to do this.
  • Clean it: you should not wet the leather, simply with a damp cloth is enough to keep it in perfect condition.
  • Dry it naturally: as it is inevitable that at some point it rains and our bag gets wet, we must know that exposure to a lot of heat deforms the leather, so let it dry naturally with a little air.

Now we do know everything we needed to be able to choose the ideal bag for us and know the correct care for its durability.

Here at Bell Tower Spain we offer you different types of bags for men and women, made with the best materials and clean finishes!

